Thermal For Ceramic Refractory & Metallurgical Products.

Our manufacturing company is located in EGYPT and Established in 1992. We manufacture Refractory Materials, High Alumina Bricks, Castable Refractories, Special Shapes Bricks, Fire Clay, Fire Cement (Heat Resistant Cement) and Special Purpose Furnace .

Our product often is available in low to super duty range for bricks, with different temperature tolerances for other products as well. Shapes such as arches, wedges and keys are also available if needed.
We offer consistent quality products to customers' requirements. We supply our materials to all manufacturers , steel plants, sugar plants, fertilizers plants, cement plants, power generation, forging plants ,etc...
Our company takes turnkey base jobs for construction of furnace, modification of furnace and lining work. They have been doing since decades in various provinces in Egypt and Middle East .
Credit goes to Mr. Mohamed Amer, who is the founder of this organization .He has done this backward integration in manufacturing of refractories, which has given him integrity. On behalf of our family member, board of directors and the entire team ,We are thankful to him for developing the Egyptian refractories Industry.

Precision Precast Refractory Shapes

Any size of refractory shapes can be precisely cast and fired in our shop to serve as lining components for refractory vessels where standard size brick will not fit or conventional refractory castables or plastics cannot be fired in properly.
Burner blocks, hearth tile, flat furnace covers or lids, tap hole blocks, skid rails, impact pads, tundish baffles, blocks and nozzles, pre-fabricated furnace walls for instance.

Fabricated Furnace Components

We have the capability of combining a steel vessel and refractory lining into a single engineered component with proper anchorage, backup insulation, casting, gunning, ramming or bricking the refractory lining and pre-firing the completed unit for immediate use.
We will assist you in the design of the component and the selection of the materials that will give you the best service and efficiency.

Inspection and Consulting Services

Our staff includes highly skilled and professional experts for designing, selecting, and installing  refractory linings in almost all industries that utilize high temperatures in their process. We can assist you in designing new equipment, calculating heat transfers, laying out anchorage systems, inspecting old linings and recommending the best repair procedure. We also can perform failure analysis and testify as expert witnesses.

Company's Activities

The company manufactures thermal bricks, pumice, dry thermal mixtures, ignition mixers, and pre-cast heat castings for high temperature and industrial furnaces. According to international standards such as:

  • Refractory Alumina Bricks
  • Insullating Bricks
  • Acid Resistance Bricks
  • Alumina Regular Castables
  • Insulating Regular Castables 
  • Zirconia Alumina Castables
  • Gunning Mix
  • Fettling Materials
  • Ramming
  • Tandesh Coating
  • Bauxite
  • Limestone
  • Ceramic Fibers
  • Insullating Panels                               

  • الطوب الحرارى الطوب الخفاف
  • الطوب والبلاط المقاوم للاحماض
  • الخراسانات الحرارية
  • الخراسانات الخفاف
  • الخراسانات الزركونيا
  • المونة المجنزيت لرش جوانب الفرن
  • المونة المجنزيت لصيانة ارضيات الفرن
  • مجنزيت خاص بأرضيات الفرن
  • مونة محنزيت لتبطين التندش
  • بوكسيد
  • جير حى
  • الياف السيراميك
  • الواح عازلة

The company specializes in the field of industrial contracting and provides consultancy and engineering studies for thermal civil works thanks to its experiences in these fields.

  • Iron & Steel Industries
  • Sugar Industries
  • Cement Industries 
  • Coke work
  • Fertilizer Industries
  • Petro Chemicals
  • Chemical Industries
  • Power generation plants
  • Ferrous & Non-ferrous Foundries
  • Ceramic Industries
  • Industrial Furnace/Boilers
  • Lime Industries
  • Engineers Industries
  • Special Purpose Furnaces
  • Glass Industries
  • Paper Industries
  • Metallurgical Industries
  • Outdoors Installations for all refractory operations

  • صناعات الحديد والصلب والاستالس ستيل
  • صناعة السكر
  • صناعة الاسمنت
  • صناعة الكوك
  • صناعة الاسمدة
  • الصناعات البترولية
  • الصناعات الكيمائية
  • الصناعات الكهربية لمحطات الطاقة
  • صناعة المسبوكات المعدنية واللامعدنية
  • صناعة السيراميك
  • الافران الصناعية والغلايات والمراجل
  • صناعة الجير
  • الصناعات الهندسية
  • افران لاغراض خاصة
  • صناعة الزجاج
  • صناعة الورق
  • الصناعات التعدينية
  • التركيبات الخارجية للأعمال الحراري

Our manufacturing company is located in EGYPT and Established in 1992. We manufacture Refractory Materials, High Alumina Bricks, Castable Refractories, Special Shapes Bricks, Fire Clay, Fire Cement (Heat Resistant Cement) and Special Purpose Furnace .


19 Al Safah & Al Marwa Street - Tura - Maadi - Cairo , Egypt

(+2) 0100033170

(+202) 27633883 - (+202) 27633508 - (+202) 27633793

(+202) 27633829

Thermal For Ceramic Refractory & Metallurgical © 2018 All Rights Reserved.